Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Job hunting

So, today was my first day at job hunting. I think I sent out my resume to a bunch of places; hopefully, through God's grace, He will lead me to the right job!! I really want to work in an industry that is related to food... whether it's in restaurants, bakeries, cafes, or food production firms. Jinyoung told me today about this paid internship that deals with food events, which sounds very interesting...

Besides job hunting, we finally got the apartment almost fixed up. Monica brought in the bar stools and rug today, and my mom dropped off the table and chairs for the balcony and the tv stand. Hurray! We are 90% finished. All we need to do is fix up my curtain to divide the living room, get cable and internet, and set curtains up in the bedroom. 

Anyways, I was very blessed by today's QT. I think once you start to live for God, you become more and more aware of His amazing grace and awesomeness =)

"...Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life" (1 Timothy 1:15-16). 

How can we say that God doesn't exist when our very lives are a living testimony and pure evidence of His power? If anything, Paul's life is living proof. Here is this man who used to be the ultimate persecutor of Christians, and then bam, God blinds him and in doing so, Paul finally sees the truth- he gains the revealed knowledge of God, something that can only be given to us by God. 

If God can transform even Paul, once a persecutor of Christians, then nothing is impossible. God uses anybody at any moment to ultimately bring glory to His name. Surely, the people who knew Paul and saw his radical transformation became even more aware of God's almighty power. 

Praise God! He is good, so very good. May He always keep me humble and remind me daily of His omniscient and omnipotent powers. I pray that He will give me a heart that continually seeks after Him and grow in His name. 

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