Monday, November 23, 2009

Andddd it's taking a toll on me

My knees hurt :(

All this running is really killin' my knees. Any suggestions you recommend me doing? I'm all ears to listen!!! Especially with my 10K race coming up...


Sokin Yoon said...

apparently, "runner's knee" is common for people that run long distances for the first time.

it seems to be easily fixable though.. hope it feels better!

Duhwuh said...

u mentioned in your post that your sneakers are too small. That might be contributing to it too. It might be throwing off your form if you're uncomfortable while running, and maybe putting unnecessary stress on your knees. Just a thought~ I'm not an expert :)

Unknown said...

Probably a lot of different factors... running on pavement, stepping up your mileage, etc. In general, could just be from frequent usage. Ice and a pain reliever should help. Also, if the knee pain makes your regular running hard, try running on soft surfaces (like grass) or cross training (such as biking) to at least maintain some level of cardio fitness. Does that knee band thing help?