Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cooking for the week

I'm back home in Jersey again, as I always am on Sunday nights. Since last week, I started to make my meals ahead of time, so that during the week, I wouldn't have to worry about food at all. It worked out so well last week, that this week I'm doing it again. My recipes for this week? Hot steel-cut oatmeal for the harsh cold days and fire-roasted peppers, onions, and chicken quinoa. Can you say "mhmmmmmmm"?

So I've been having some self-revolutions for the past two years, learning more about myself and trying to understand myself better. I know, some of you guys might be thinking, "Shouldn't you have figured that out already? Being 21 and all?" Hell no! Don't be a-judgin' but the city is rough and just rips your soul apart. Okay, I definitely exaggerated, but living in the city has definitely worn down my spirit, soul, and identity, so I am slowly building myself up again, and in Christ of course. Duh.

I am quite unmotivated, unless I have specific goals in my life. When I have things that I want to accomplish, then I will put my heart into them. I can't just be happy, just living by the moment style. Maybe temporarily, but in the long run, I feel lazy, unproductive, and useless.

That's why... (drumroll please), I am signing up for a 5K RUN!!! Okay, 5K isn't much, but seriously, it's something I can train for, and I'm doing it not only to discipline my body but my mind as well. I also don't like the fat accumulation on my body, so training will help me to lose some fat too! Then, I want to try running a 10K and eventually a half-marathon. Eeks! The idea of a half-marathon right now is a bit daunting and disgusting. Thank God I have awhile to go heeheehee.

I'll keep you posted on my training. Today I ran 2 miles though. And it was a quite satisfactory run: not too rough, not too long... justtttt right.

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